Career Path

Know Your Worth
Salary & Career Progression Guidance

Your Earning Potential

Compare your current compensation for your position and identify opportunities for potential growth.

Fill out the category and role dropdowns at the top of the page to view the market rate


Salary numbers are estimates based on Anteo’s extensive database.

Figures are in AUD.

Maximise Your Salary

Learn how to maximise your salary and grow your career with our personalised insights. Simply input your skill set and salary info. We’ll help you get what you’re truly worth.

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  • Only 6 quick questions
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We Guide Successful Careers

Hear from a few of the many successful professionals we’ve guided through rewarding career journeys.

"Anteo has helped me navigate my career in construction from an operational role when I first started in the industry to my current role in management, they maintained the relationship over the years and have been a big part of my success."

Operations Manager

"Oscar presented me with multiple opportunities, he listened to what was important to me and helped me narrow it down to 2 interviews, he was a great sounding board, and I couldn’t be happier in my new job!"

Sales Consultant

"Anteo helped me transition from property management into the construction industry. Anthony spent time and helped me prepare for my interviews, and I ended up landing a role with a major volume home builder."

Onsite Client Manager

"Oscar was great to deal with. Super helpful and I couldn't be happier in my new role."

Production Draftsperson

"I was invited to an Anteo Talent Event. Super interesting process and nothing like I had been to before, was able to spend time speaking directly with hiring managers and ended up landing a great role."

House and Land Coordinator

"It’s hard to have the salary conversation and be comfortable negotiating what you believe you’re worth, I didn’t have to stress about that, Anteo had those conversations with my employer for me and got me the best deal."


"Oscar connected me with a great opportunity to kickstart my career in sales."

Sales Consultant

"Suzie helped me move to a company with a lot more security and work from home flexibility. Thanks guys!"

Customer Service Officer (Onsite)

"Anthony was great to deal with. I had no idea how much value there was in the market for someone with my experience."

Production Estimator

"With Anteo's expertise I was able to land a generous pay increase with a move to an established builder."

Construction Supervisor

"Had no idea that my value in the market was so high. Anteo helped me secure a great role at my new company."


"Suzie reached out to me and I was able to land a great role at a new builder."

Construction Supervisor

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Your Resume: Boring but Essential to Recruitment Success

At Anteo, with over 25,000 hours spent evaluating professional resumes, we understand that a resume is more than just a piece of paper—it reflects your purpose, expertise, successes, and achievements. Here's how to make one and ensure it stands out.

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Find Your Career Path

We’re always here to provide free and confidential guidance.


Anthony Wilks
Anteo Consultant

Phone Number

0437 042 313


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Our Recruitment Partnering Has Resulted in 1000+ Outcomes For Carlisle Homes


John Doulgeridis,
Managing Director, Carlisle Homes

Your Next Steps


Access Our Expert Guidance

Book a confidential salary and career consultation with an Anteo consultant and receive market insights and career planning as well as guidance in creating an impactful resume and industry profile.

Consultant Name
Anthony Wilks

Phone Number
0437 042 313
